Daily Water Report Selected Date

The following information is prepared by SRP for water management professionals and recreational boaters and is subject to revision. SRP does not guarantee the accuracy of this information nor make representations as to its fitness for a particular purpose. If you have questions about this report, please click here to Contact Us.

Phoenix Weather
Today's normals    72°/50 °(F)
Yesterday's High/Low    80°/51 °(F)
Humidity        36 / 9 (%)
Reservoir data
Current Current Remaining Available 24 hr. Rain
% Full Elevation (ft) Storage (af) Elevation (ft) Storage (af) Change (inches)
Roosevelt Lake (Roosevelt Dam) 72 2,127.14 1,172,601 23.86 458,931 424 0.00
Apache Lake (Horse Mesa Dam) 96 1,910.04 234,746 3.96 10,392 -116 0.00
Canyon Lake (Mormon Flat Dam) 95 1,657.17 54,721 3.33 3,131 90 0.00
Saguaro Lake (Stewart Mountain Dam) 92 1,524.38 64,073 4.62 5,692 -8 0.00
Total Salt system 76 1,526,141 478,146 390
Horseshoe Lake (Horseshoe Dam) 12 1,975.17 13,247 50.83 95,970 -626 0.00
Bartlett Lake (Bartlett Dam) 55 1,763.70 98,580 34.30 79,606 74 0.00
Total Verde system 39 111,827 175,576 -552
Total Reservoir System 71 1,637,968 653,722 -162
Total system year ago 77
Runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs)
Today Normal Yesterday Average
Salt River at Roosevelt 247 585 226 39
Tonto Creek at Roosevelt 28 77 30 39
Verde River at Tangle 213 425 214 50
Total inflow 488 1,087 470 43
Salt River Canyon 176
Verde River at Camp Verde 98
Reservoir release (cfs)
Today Normal Yesterday Average %
Bartlett Lake (Bartlett Dam) 651 409 475 116
Saguaro Lake (Stewart Mountain Dam) 8 12 8 67
Total outflow 659 421 483 115
Horseshoe release (cfs)
Horseshoe Lake (Horseshoe Dam) 600
Diversions at Granite Reef (cfs)
Today Normal Yesterday Average %
Arizona Canal 367 312 330 106
South Canal 349 255 285 112
Total diversions 716 567 615 108
Pumping 298 103 223 217
Total use 1,014 670 838 125
Flow over Granite Reef 0
CAP diversions (in cfs) at 0800
Arizona Canal 147
South Canal 0
Riverbed 0
Total 147
Boat ramp depths (in feet) (water at end of ramp)
Roosevelt Lake
Badger 81
Bobcat 5
Cholla 73
Coyote 17
Grapevine 32
Indian Point 21
Marina 4 Lane 37
Marina Dogleg 57
Ringtail 50
Schoolhouse 17
Apache Lake
Burnt Corral 16
Marina Central 10
Marina Main 15
Canyon Lake
Canyon Marina 22
Laguna 9
Ramp 1 19
Ramp 2 9
Saguaro Lake
Ramps 1 and 2 9
Horseshoe Lake
Horseshoe -10
Bartlett Lake
Jojoba 20
Marina 18
Yellow Cliffs 13
Elevation: "Remaining" refers to how many feet the water is below the maximum conservation storage level.
Runoff: Refers to water produced from the watershed from rain and snowmelt.
Reservoir release: Refers to the amount of water being released from the reservoirs.
Diversions: Canals to which the water is diverted at Granite Reef Diversion Dam once it is released from the reservoirs to satisfy water demand in the Valley.
Don't Move a Mussel