Daily Water Report Selected Date

The following information is prepared by SRP for water management professionals and recreational boaters and is subject to revision. SRP does not guarantee the accuracy of this information nor make representations as to its fitness for a particular purpose. If you have questions about this report, please click here to Contact Us.

Phoenix Weather
Today's normals    105°/84 °(F)
Yesterday's High/Low    99°/80 °(F)
Humidity        77 / 36 (%)
Reservoir data
Current Current Remaining Available 24 hr. Rain
% Full Elevation (ft) Storage (af) Elevation (ft) Storage (af) Change (inches)
Roosevelt Lake (Roosevelt Dam) 67 2,122.32 1,091,487 28.68 540,045 1,833 0.00
Apache Lake (Horse Mesa Dam) 95 1,909.13 232,398 4.87 12,740 -56 0.00
Canyon Lake (Mormon Flat Dam) 95 1,657.70 55,211 2.80 2,641 14 0.00
Saguaro Lake (Stewart Mountain Dam) 92 1,524.43 64,133 4.57 5,632 -398 0.05
Total Salt system 72 1,443,229 561,058 1,393
Horseshoe Lake (Horseshoe Dam) 30 1,989.51 32,417 36.49 76,800 158 0.00
Bartlett Lake (Bartlett Dam) 51 1,759.11 90,222 38.89 87,964 559 0.00
Total Verde system 43 122,639 164,764 717
Total Reservoir System 68 1,565,868 725,822 2,110
Total system year ago 87
Runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs)
Today Normal Yesterday Average
Salt River at Roosevelt 869 464 926 200
Tonto Creek at Roosevelt 76 20 117 585
Verde River at Tangle 416 176 577 328
Total inflow 1,361 660 1,620 245
Salt River Canyon 1,037
Verde River at Camp Verde 113
Reservoir release (cfs)
Today Normal Yesterday Average %
Bartlett Lake (Bartlett Dam) 131 184 130 71
Saguaro Lake (Stewart Mountain Dam) 267 1,690 306 18
Total outflow 398 1,874 436 23
Horseshoe release (cfs)
Horseshoe Lake (Horseshoe Dam) 300
Diversions at Granite Reef (cfs)
Today Normal Yesterday Average %
Arizona Canal 507 618 540 87
South Canal 409 566 401 71
Total diversions 916 1,184 941 79
Pumping 156 142 148 104
Total use 1,072 1,326 1,089 82
Flow over Granite Reef 0
CAP diversions (in cfs) at 0800
Arizona Canal 318
South Canal 214
Riverbed 0
Total 532
Boat ramp depths (in feet) (water at end of ramp)
Roosevelt Lake
Badger 76
Bobcat 0
Cholla 68
Coyote 12
Grapevine 27
Indian Point 16
Marina 4 Lane 32
Marina Dogleg 52
Ringtail 45
Schoolhouse 12
Apache Lake
Burnt Corral 15
Marina Central 9
Marina Main 14
Canyon Lake
Canyon Marina 22
Laguna 9
Ramp 1 19
Ramp 2 9
Saguaro Lake
Ramps 1 and 2 9
Horseshoe Lake
Horseshoe 4
Bartlett Lake
Jojoba 16
Marina 14
Yellow Cliffs 9
Elevation: "Remaining" refers to how many feet the water is below the maximum conservation storage level.
Runoff: Refers to water produced from the watershed from rain and snowmelt.
Reservoir release: Refers to the amount of water being released from the reservoirs.
Diversions: Canals to which the water is diverted at Granite Reef Diversion Dam once it is released from the reservoirs to satisfy water demand in the Valley.
Don't Move a Mussel